Friday, April 23, 2010

Gardenin' ain't easy

So, remember how Anton and I got really excited about the one day in March where it was 90 degrees, and started a vegetable gardening project?


We should have remembered that we live in Massachusetts, where the weather almost always sucks. Due to really shitty weather and poor management, we nearly lost all our cucumber plants (but lost only one) and lost all our corn. Everything except the cold weather loving plants (peas, spinach, broccoli, bok choy and Brussels sprouts) are inside and miserable. They are miserable and I don't blame them- I want it to be sunny and warm, too but nooooooooooooooooooooo. We live in fucking cold and windy and overcast crapachusetts.

The cool thing, though- our lettuce and spinach are starting to look like lettuce and spinach. A week ago they were still grass looking things, and now they resemble the things I'm going to eat in 4 or 5 weeks time. SO EXCITING.

The cats are more excited about the big box of grass we grew of them. One of them has to be in it at all times. I'm glad at least something is working the way it's supposed to.