Saturday, January 30, 2010

First world problems are sooooo haarrrrdddd

This has been the first week of disappointment of 2010, and oh what a joy it has been.

Monday kicked off with one of my coworkers deciding that she didn't want to give notice and quit by the ever classy no call, no show. This was particularly shitty, because management has known since December that she was planning on leaving (subtle is one thing this girl was not.), and had been looking for candidates, but were being respectful to her by not interviewing yet. They didn't want her to feel like she was being hurried out, and they wanted to be able to tell any candidate a solid start date. Every week she'd say it was the week she'd tell them, and every week she did not. So: Surprise, no. Sucks: Big time.

They also fired the new girl in our department on Tuesday, so we were short two people. But then! There was already scheduled time off so most days we were down anywhere from 3-5 people...The workload wasn't the killer, though. The phones were. And I hate being on the phone.

The week after Christmas, I had no voice (a product of the nasty cold I got in Michigan). I've never lost my voice like that, and I couldn't talk for a week. Which meant I was off the phone for a week. Which meant BEST WEEK EVER. I don't mind occasionally speaking to people, but I hate hate hate taking phone calls. I really enjoy my job when I don't have to speak.

Friday, we got an e-mail from the CFO letting us know that for the second year in a row they will not be offering raises. Which is just peachy, as I haven't had any of the ones I was meant to have since I started. Anton has no hope of getting a raise, as his company just plain doesn't give them. He'll be making the same amount he makes right now in 10 years if he stays there. He needs a new job. I just want a raise, people. Maybe I should be an exec at a bank?

So. That's the work drama. Then my lovely, lovely laptop went nutso after an update- making it the third time that a Microsoft update has killed this computer and it's had to have a factory reset. THREE FUCKING TIMES. I haven't even had this computer a year. And it's a great computer, it really is, but god damn do I hate Microsoft.

I know there is a world full of haters on the iPad right now, but I want one. An affordable Apple that works in a similar fashion to my iPhone? THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN BEGGING FOR. Apparently it was made to market to only me. And Anton.

We went and got a back up drive for my laptop today, so the next time this happens I won't have to scramble to find all my important stuff and waste a week re-burning all my music and movies.

The last is a blessing and a curse: Pepsi Throwback is back. You don't know how much I love soda with sugar. I don't really drink soda normally- I tend to avoid anything with HFCS, and I really shouldn't have anything with corn as it is. And it tastes nasty. But Mountain Dew Throwback? I horde it. I've been dealing with a bad caffeine headaches because if it. Mountain Dew, Y U HURT ME SO? ILU.

I'm going to go nurse my caffeine headache in bed with a bottle of MDT. And maybe some whiskey.


  1. I know nothing of this throwback pop. We *never* buy pop anymore. I don't know what Jason's reason is, but mine is that it makes my stomach make weird noises ALL. NIGHT. LONG. And then I feel like a freak.

  2. I've never heard of these Throwback drinks of which you speak...

    As for the iPad, what are your thoughts/opinions on the DRM issues it has? From what I've read, it's kinda scary.

  3. The Pepsi brand Throwback is just them using the original formula -with sugar and fruit juices and what not, and no high fructose corn syrup. IT IS DELICIOUS and will be the end of me, which is why it's only out for a few weeks a year.

    As far as the DRM issues with the iPad, there really is only assurances from Apple and people who seem to be going OH MY GOD END OF CIVILIZATION. So, not enough information for me to really make a decision on that issue yet. Which is fine, because it's not like I can buy one yet anyway.
