Sunday, March 28, 2010

TV sick

I am so very tired of television.

Monday through Thursday, we have a least an hour's worth of television on our "Must Watch" list, and I hate it. I'm starting to feel like our lives after work are ruled by TV. It may be because it's staying lighter later and I want to be in the sun, or because it feels like if we don't watch the planet will implode. We might miss something important! Or funny! We might be out of the loop when our co-workers talk about shows the next day!

So. We could get a DVR to watch our shows on our schedule instead of on their schedule. Or, we could just get rid of the cable all together. I'm not big into spending more money to watch tv, so come June when our current contract is up, I think we're just going to drop down to internet and get rid of our cable package. If we really miss watching certain shows, most are available online, or we can just wait till they're on DVD and get them from Netflix. I just...I have so many  books to read, and I want to spend more time out of doors this summer (providing it's not as moldy as the last two), and I miss doing crafts and just relaxing after dinner. Mondays are the worst- we rush home, rush through our workout so we can have dinner ready by eight so we don't miss anything....and then I just feel rushed all night, which doesn't help with my anxiety and inability to sleep.  And reducing my stress is always a good thing.

Oh TV, I can't say I'll really miss you. Most of the time, you're just filler, and I have music and DVD's for that if I need it. I survived perfectly well before I knew about any of these shows, and I'm sure I'll make it without watching them as they air again. (In fact, I think CBS is the only station that doesn't allow you to watch the show online. JUMP TO THE 21st CENTURY, CBS. JESUS.)


  1. I only just bothered learning how to DVR things last year, although I'm pretty sure we've had one built into the various cable boxes we've had since we moved in together. I'm devoted to it now.

    Our taxes this year we so fucked up. We had to pay Massachusetts and California, and somehow our California withholding was not done properly so we really got screwed. Hence selling the car last month to free up some cash. Luckily legislation passed last year allowing military spouses to pay taxes to the active duty spouse's home of record. So next time around we'll just have to pay to Mass. Believe it or not, California taxes are even worse than Taxachusetts.

    I had to threaten my work's finance office with a call from a Navy lawyer to get them to switch me back to Mass taxes, though, even after providing them with the text of the new law. Turns out our payroll company had said they just couldn't allow me to do that... but the concept of hearing from a JAG officer straightened them right out.

  2. Taxes are crap. Seriously. I mean, I accept that I have to pay them, but if we're telling them, hey, we're married and claiming zero, please take all you're need to, and then they DON'T and we owe? IT'S CRAP.
