Sunday, October 24, 2010

Personality Switch

I'll go ahead and say it: I'm ready for winter.

Why, I don't know. I generally hate all things cold and frozen and damp because they are miserable. But this year I keep looking out the window hoping for snow and leave the house bundled up even though it's in the thirties when I leave for work. Cool, yes, cold, not quite.

I really don't have proper winter clothes, so it's not like I'm trying to speed the seasons along to break out my favorite sweaters and boots. I just want to decorate for Christmas and snuggle in blankets with the cats and read and hole up till spring. I want to drink hot beverages and eat warm, hearty meals and day dream about warmer climes.

Anton is going off to Arizona for a week in December to see his parents while they're in the states. I'm staying home to tend the home fires and take care of the kittens. And work, boo. Next month I'm attempting for the, what, 8th? year in a row to participate in NANOWRIMO. I expect little but it's always fun to try. Actually, I think I'll be doing NANOFIMO* but, whatever. Still aiming for the same word count. Anton is signed up, we'll see if he plays along as well.

*National Novel Finishing Month


  1. Oh, when you said before that he was going to see his parents, I thought you meant overseas. But Arizona is good too.

    WInter here doesn't really mean anything, except that the stench of cow shit is worse. I hate it and I want to go home and stay there forever.

  2. Make sure you post what you write. In fact, screw it, serialise your whole novel here.

  3. Heidi- I FEEL YOU.

    Jay- spelling and grammatical and timeline errors and all? I promise, when it's readable, you'll be the first to see it.
