Thursday, May 20, 2010

Return of things I Hate Thursday

Hopefully followed by Things I Love Friday.

  • Schedule changes. It takes FOREVER to adjust to new sleeping schedules and as a result I've been a veritable zombie at work.
  • Speaking of. My new schedule is 8-5. I've been working 8-6 or later, which is more than 10 hours in that building EVERY DAY. It's miserable. 
  • Birds. I fucking. Hate. Birds. Specifically? The ones who live in the vent outside my window and wake up at 3 AM EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.  And they won't stop till the sun is fully up which at that point, I can't fucking go back to sleep. Thanks, jerk birds! 
  • Talking on the phone. More than just because I do it for a living, but I really, really hate talking on the phone, even to friends and family. It feels like a trap. Email me, text me, whatever, but don't make me talk on the phone unless there's no other option.
  • Thursdays. They're just miserable. 


  1. i could not be anymore with you on the phone issue. i get anxiety attack when i think i even FEEL my phone vibrating.

    it's always on silent because actually HEARING it ring would send me into psychosis.

  2. EXACTLY. Ugh. I refuse to keep my ringer on. I go in the other room if our house phone rings, when I don't just unplug it. What weird phobia.
